General Terms

  1. The 1st International Choral Conducting Competition ROMANO GANDOLFI (the ‘Competition’) is being held with the aims to spread the passion for choral music, to help talented and rising conductors of the next generation to establish an international conducting career, bridging the gap between professional training and professional life.
  2. The Competition is organized by AERCO, Emilia-Romagna Choirs Association, in collaboration with the Conservatoire of Parma, with the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Parma Town Council, the Medesano Town Council and the Associazione Favorita del Re-Centro Studi Romano Gandolfi.
  3. The Competition will take place from 29 November to 1 December 2019 at the Conservatoire of Music, str. del Conservatorio 27/a, Parma and at the Auditorium del Carmine, Via Duse, Parma.
  4. The Competition official language is English.


  1. The entrants admitted to the Competition are required to pay a Competition fee amounting to EUR 50.00 by 30 September 2019.

Payment to be made by:

a) Bank Transfer
Bank Account: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
IBAN: IT27N0306902480074000010812
Associazione Emiliano Romagnola Cori
Via Barberia 9
40123 Bologna
Reason of the payment: Application to the Conductor Competition Romano Gandolfi – your name 

b) PayPal
AERCO PayPal account:
Reason of the payment: Application to the Conductor Competition Romano Gandolfi – your name

  1. A failure to pay the Competition fee by the 30 September 2019 will be regarded as the entrant’s decision not to participate in the Competition.
  2. The Competition fee will not be refunded if the entrant decides, after 15 October 2019, not to participate in the Competition.
  3. The Organisers will provide accommodation and breakfast, (4 days from the evening of 28 November to the morning of 2 December) to the competitors participating at the Competition.
  4. The Organisers will not refund the participants’ travelling expenses.
  5. All accompanying people will pay the costs of their stay in Parma on their own.

Competition Procedure

The Competition will be composed of three stages, during which the participants will be evaluated on the basis of their work.

Competition Procedure

The Competition will be composed of three stages, during which the participants will be evaluated on the basis of their work.


The Competition’s International Jury may award the following prizes:

Competition Schedule

Competition Repertoire


  1. Any person may attend Competition auditions in the capacity of an observer. A person interested in being an observer is required to fill in an Observer application form, which is posted on the Competition’s website at: and
  2. Observers are required to pay a fee amounting to EUR 25.00 by 26 November 2019.

Payment to be made by:

a) Bank Transfer
Bank Account: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
IBAN: IT27N0306902480074000010812
Associazione Emiliano Romagnola Cori
Via Barberia 9
40123 Bologna
Reason of the payment: Observer to the Conductor Competition Romano Gandolfi – your name

b) PayPal
AERCO PayPal account:
Reason of the payment: Observer to the Conductor Competition Romano Gandolfi – your name

  1. Payment of the fee is required for the registration of a person as an observer. Should a person registered as an observer decide not to participate in the event after 10 November 2019, the fee will not be returned.
  2. The Organisers will not provide observers with board or accommodation and will not cover their travelling expenses.
  3. The fee covers:
    1. An ID card and promotional materials.
    2. The right to participate in the auditions of the stages and meetings with the jurors.
    3. Visual materials with the Competition’s repertoire.
    4. A standing ticket to the gala concert.
    5. A certificate of participation in the Competition in the capacity of an observer.

Copyright and personal data

Upon the submission of a completed Competition entry forms, the entrant:

  1. Agrees to photos being taken with their image during the Competition, their fixation, multiple use, processing and reproduction, by any means for AERCO promotional and archival purposes, without the need for an approval each time.
  2. Grants the Competition Organisers free of charge the right to use the audiovisual artistic recordings made during the Competition or the Finalists’ Concert exclusively for non-commercial purposes, including promotional and archival ones, in the following fields of use:
    1. as regards fixation and reproduction – recording by means of digital technology of sound and picture, making and releasing them on a CD and/or DVD or on other carriers;
    2. as regards trade in copies on which an artistic performance has been fixed – placing such copies on the market, lending or leasing them;
    3. as regards dissemination of performances in a manner other than that specified in Subsec. b) above – broadcasting, rebroadcasting and performing, and making the performance available to the public on selected web pages.
  3. Agrees to the processing of their personal data for purposes related to the Competition, in accordance with the declaration made in the entry form. Personal data are provided by an entrant on a voluntary basis, but their submission is required for participation in the Competition.

Finals Provisions

  1. The Organisers reserve the right to amend these Rules.
  2. The Organisers may cancel the Competition for important reasons.

The Artistic Commettee of the Competition:

Andrea Angelini – Artistic Director
Silvia Biasini – Preliminary Evaluation Commission
Gianluigi Giacomoni – Preliminary Evaluation Commission
Elide Melchioni – Preliminary Evaluation Commission
Giacomo Monica – Preliminary Evaluation Commission
Niccolò Paganini – Preliminary Evaluation Commission
Fabio Pecci – Preliminary Evaluation Commission
Matteo Salvemini – Preliminary Evaluation Commission

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