1. The 2nd ROMANO GANDOLFI International Choral Conducting Competition (the Competition) is organized with the aim of spreading choral culture, helping the talented conductors of the next generation to start an international career, bridging the gap between training and professional activity.
  2. The Competition is organised by AERCO, Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola Cori, in collaboration with the Associazione Favorita del Re-Centro Studi Romano Gandolfi, the Municipality of Medesano, the University of Parma, and with the patronage of FENIARCO, ANDCI, the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Municipality of Parma.
  3. The Competition will take place from 26 to 28 November 2021 at the Sala Civica ‘R. Gandolfi’ in Medesano, the Aula Magna of the University of Parma and the Auditorium del Carmine in Parma.
  4. The official language of the competition is English.


1.Candidates admitted to the Competition will be required to pay an entry fee of €50 (non-refundable) by 30 September 2021.
Payment to be made by:
Bank transfer
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
IBAN: IT27N0306902480074000010812
Reason for payment: Registration for the Romano Gandolfi International Conducting Competition – ‘your name’.
AERCO’s PayPal account: ufficio@aerco.emr.it
Reason for payment: Registration for the Romano Gandolfi International Conducting Competition – ‘your name’.
2.Failure to pay the registration fee by 30 September 2021 will be considered as the candidate’s decision not to participate in the Competition.
3.The Organisation will provide, at its own expense, accommodation and breakfast (4 days from the evening of 25 November to the morning of 29 November) for competitors taking part in the Competition.
4.The organisation will not reimburse participants’ travel expenses.
5.Any accompanying persons will pay their own accommodation costs in Parma.


The Competition will be composed of three stages, during which the participants will be evaluated on the basis of their work.


1.The international jury of the competition may award the following prizes:

2. The scholarships awarded will be subject to taxation in accordance with the regulations in force in Italy.
3. Depending on the rules of the competition, other special prizes may also be awarded.
4. All participants in the competition will receive a certificate of participation.
5. The jury’s decisions are final.




1.Anyone interested in attending the competition may participate as a listener in the candidates’ auditions. Listeners are required to complete an application form, which is published at https://bit.ly/2EMoqbl. A maximum of 25 participants will be accepted, in chronological order of registration.

2.Listeners are required to pay, by 24 November 2021, a fee of € 50 (members of FENIARCO circuit associations, or ANDCI members) or € 70 (non-members).

Payment to be made by:
Bank transfer
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
IBAN: IT27N0306902480074000010812
Reason for payment: Auditor at the Romano Gandolfi International Conducting Competition – ‘your name’.

AERCO’s PayPal account: ufficio@aerco.emr.it
Reason for payment: Auditor at the Romano Gandolfi International Conducting Competition – ‘your name’.

3.The organisation will not provide the auditors with board and lodging and will not cover their travel expenses.

4.The fee includes:

  • An identification card and promotional material.
  • The right to participate in the auditions of the different phases and in the meetings with the jurors.
  • Music material with the Competition repertoire (sheet music in ‘sample’ mode).
  • Workshop with ‘I Cantori Gregoriani’.
  • Study-Tour
  • A ticket for the gala concert.
  • A certificate of participation in the competition as a listener.


After submission of the completed competition entry form, the candidate:

1.Accepts that photos may be taken of him/her during the Competition and that such photos may be used, processed and reproduced, by any means, for promotional and AERCO archive purposes, without the need for specific authorisation on each occasion.

2.It grants free of charge to the Competition Organisation the right to use the audiovisual artistic recordings made during the Competition or the Finalists’ Concert exclusively for non-commercial purposes, including promotional and archiving purposes, in the following fields of use:

  • with regard to reproduction – recording by means of digital sound and image technology, production of CDs and/or DVDs or other media;
  • as regards the distribution of copies on which an artistic performance has been recorded – the placing on the market, lending or hiring out;
  • with regard to the dissemination of the performances in a manner other than that specified in point b above: broadcasting, rebroadcasting and making available to the public on selected web pages.

3.They agree to the processing of their personal data for purposes related to the Competition, in accordance with the declaration made on the registration form. Personal data are provided by candidates on a voluntary basis, but their submission is required for participation in the Competition.

Finals Provisions

1. The Organisation reserves the right to amend these regulations.

2. The Organisation may cancel the Competition for important and force majeure reason

The Artistic Direction of the Competition:

Andrea Angelini – Artistic Director
Silvia Biasini – Preliminary Evaluation Committee
Gianluigi Giacomoni – Preliminary Evaluation Committee
Elide Melchioni – Preliminary Evaluation Committee
Giacomo Monica – Preliminary Evaluation Committee
Sandro Bergamo – Preliminary Assessment Committee
Fabio Pecci – Preliminary Evaluation Committee
Matteo Salvemini – Preliminary Evaluation Committee

Emilia-Romagna Choirs Association
Via Barberia 9 – 40123 Bologna – Italy

Tel. +39 051 0067024

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